How much is a bad movie worth? For me, about $3. After years of seeing the DVD for little-known anime OVA "Sin: The Movie" for sale for a low bargin price, I eventually caved in and bought it to add to my ever-growing home video collection. For only $3, how could I not buy it?Yes, I have a problem."Sin - The Movie" is a loose adaptation of a first-person shooter game from 1998. The game itself has a small cult following with fond memories of its gameplay and setting. As for the feature-length OVA, I don't suspect there are such memories. Set in the distant future, John Blade is a cop with a robotic body fighting against an organization bent of unleashing a man-made mutant meant to terrorize and destroy the human race. That's kinda it. It's a short movie at 60 minutes, but even still, the plot seems a little thin.Or rather, there's a lot of attempted world-building outside the core plot. A variety of characters, a vibrant cityscape. It feels like there is a pretty detailed backstory for some of the characters, but the movie does a poor job revealing it. In one of the early scenes, John Blade is accused for being in deep with the maifa, even more so than his corrupt deceased father. When the accuser leaves, John's coworker says something along the lines of "wow, she's upset. And what's this about your dad? Also, what about the mafia?" Cut to the next scene, with little mention of the issue again. This type of incomprehensible writing and editing leads to some quotably-bad lines, spoken in the English dub by a mix of now respected voice actors and novices; all of them sound pretty bad here. It isn't worth trying to understand why the editors thought the order and speed scenes cut between each other made sense to convey what was happening in any given moment.
And don't get me started with the animation. The visual design is barely passable, thanks to some cool but grotesque monsters and imaginative building architecture. But the animation is atrocious. Made using early digital animation, it looks like a Saturday morning cartoon from 1999... maybe a little worse. Pixelated images pan across to simulate flight or movement, character animation is stiff and inorganic. It's a sad looking movie.Is there anything saving "Sin - The Movie?" Sure. It's a generic, violent science fiction anime from the early 2000's, complete with the standard amount of foul language and partial nudity and pseudo-religous overtones from the villans. In its own cheesy way, it can be a fun watch. It certainly passes the "so-bad-its-good" test, as I laughed out loud several times during my viewing. And you'll laugh more if watching with friends. Throw in some decent electronic music, and it makes a fine way to kill an hour. Just before burning the disc in your backyard.Well, I got what I paid for... actually, I want my $3 back.