While I didn't watch "Rail Wars!" until a few years after its 2014 debut on Japanese television, I still remember the reactions and jokes surrounding it upon its announcement: "it was certain to be the best anime ever!" This came out of irony and sarcasm that was flooding the Internet, as online anime streaming became common and "meme" culture became part of normal culture. "Rail Wars!" has a premise that sounds too silly to be taken seriously, not because the idea is so unusual, but because it seems too boring to work as a story anyone would watch. The plot is about a group of young students serving an apprentiship at the Japan Railway Company as security guards. The lead character, Naoto, would much prefer to be a conductor (and is happy when nothing dangerous appears to be going on), but has a great devotion to trains, capable of naming each engine and model by heart. After all, the "Japanese National Railways" company is something to be proud of, as the country has one of the best transit systems in the world, a system that is relied upon and portrayed in popular culture all the time! "Rail Wars!" belongs to a strange genre of anime that seems intended to educate the Japanese, or to educate international viewers unfamiliar with the country's history. It wasn't until later that I happened to read that the company in the anime is partially fictionalized; I took this as a giant advertisement to encourage youth to apply to work at their local train station, not unlike army propoganda a century ago. Except, you know, with the lead male character surrounded by beautiful women put in embaressing situations. If not for that, "Rail Wars!" could very well be shown in class to pass the time.You would think the show would be boring. For the most part, the story is handled with realistic scenarios, even if they are sometimes played up for dramatic effect. These include things like bomb threats and theft, and a multi-episode climax of the characters driving an older train downhill on a rainy day. Could these things really happen? They probably do, each even maybe occuring once in a guard's lifetime. You can tell the show is straining to make something interesting happen for the 12-episode season, but I admit I have to give some credit. "Rail Wars!" feels ernest in its excitement, and that was enough to keep me invested.The character ensemble doesn't hurt either. Naoto is a simple man, but isn't shy to say that being a security guard isn't his goal in life, even after months of training and camaraderie with his small team. One of the big points of drama in the show (which doesn't really get resolved... the manga is still going on years after the show was finished) is that Naoto is torn between his personal goals and the desire to work with his friends and help them, and it makes for a slightly more interesting lead then anime typically offers. Each of the girls in his harem have unique points to their characterization, making it more fun to pick sides when they each swoon over him. I'm not certain about Aoi, for while her strong and assertive personality makes her admirable, her no-excuses-attitude towards men and perverts makes it uncomfortable when she insists to carry a gun on the job (bullets are treated realistically in the show, as in they can kill really easily... and Aoi has an itchy trigger-finger). Sho, the other male character in the group, gets the least characterization, being reduced to a strong guy who likes food. Whatever the flaws, its an enjoyable cast to stick with on the ride.
Passione, a relatively new anime studio, animated the project. They have a certain style with drawing women, and the out-of-place fan-service seem a comfortable part of that style. Regardless of that, the general look and animation is reasonably competent, with extra care being given to render 3D models of the trains in each episode, and some energetic (albiet off-model) animation during action scenes. The music is surprisingly catchy during the opening and ending credits, and is a highlight of the production. It's true that "Rail Wars!" was never going to be a great show, but I think viewers might be surprised with how good the end result turned out to be. And if you happen to be a fan of trains (hey, model train collectors still exist), this could very well be one of your favourite shows.